When I became a mother, I was added to about a dozen Facebook groups. Some existed to sell toys and used clothes, some to connect with other local moms, others were devoted specifically to breastfeeding, but my favorite group was just an open forum for Christian moms to connect and offer each other prayer, support, and advice. Recently I have been more grieved by this group than encouraged by it. It seems to have become a venting ground for moms to unload their frustrations with their husbands, their mothers-in-law, and their children. Every post of this type ends the same way, essentially begging for others to affirm how right she is and how wrong her husband, children, or in-laws may be. Iām not as grieved by these posts as I am by the responses, which consistently do exactly that. At first it just feels good to vent, and it may even feel right to respond with validation. But there is such danger here.
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